Down the TBR Hole, weekly meme

Down the TBR Hole #6

Yay for another Down the TBR Hole post! I’ve been keeping up with these quite well because they’re fun to make, and I’m also cleaning up my TBR list at the same time! Hurray for being productive. Keep reading to see which books will be staying, and which will be going this week!

cover reveal

Mercury Rises by Scarlett Kol (Cover Reveal)

I love participating in cover reveals! They’re so much fun, and I can just feel readers’ excitement when they open the post and see the cover for the first time (especially when the cover is as pretty as the one for Mercury Rises)! Continue reading to see the lovely cover for this Robin Hood retelling!

Adult, book review

Sweet Bean Paste by Durian Sukegawa (Review)

Title: Sweet Bean Paste Author: Durian Sukegawa Translator: Alison Watts Type: Fiction Genre: Contemporary, Cultural, Japan, Asia Publisher: ONEWorld Publications Date published: November 14, 2017 Page Count: 209 Source: Publisher A physical copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher and Raincoast Books, in exchange for an honest review. Sentaro has failed: he has a… Read More Sweet Bean Paste by Durian Sukegawa (Review)

ARC review, book review, young adult

Under Rose-Tainted Skies by Louise Gornall (ARC Review)

Title: Under Rose-Tainted Skies Author: Louise Gornall Type: Fiction Genre: YA, Contemporary, Romance, Mental Health Publisher: Clarion Books Date published: January 3, 2017 Paperback released on January 9, 2018 Format: physical ARC Page Count: 330 Source: Raincoast Books A physical copy of this book was kindly provided by Raincoast Books, in exchange for an honest review. At… Read More Under Rose-Tainted Skies by Louise Gornall (ARC Review)

cover reveal, giveaway

Twisted Fate by Jessi Elliott (Cover Reveal, Teaser & Giveaway) [CLOSED]

I am so happy to be a part of the cover reveal for Jessi Elliot’s novel Twisted Fate (available February 13, 2018)! Not only do I love the Fae, and their world, but Jessi happens to also be Canadian! I love supporting Canadian lit, and Canadian authors, so … like I said, I’m very happy about this.… Read More Twisted Fate by Jessi Elliott (Cover Reveal, Teaser & Giveaway) [CLOSED]