Backlist Blast (Weekly Book Meme)

⤖ Introduction ⬻

Welcome to the Backlist Blast info page! This is a weekly book meme which was created by Milana @ A Couple Reads and myself (Flavia @ Flavia the Bibliophile), and which is hosted on both of our blogs! The main purpose of this book blog meme is to feature and discuss backlist books! To find out what we mean by backlist books, and for more details about the meme, please continue reading!

⤖ More Details ⬻

Milana and I had been talking about making a meme or event together for some time, so when Milana approached me with the idea that we make a weekly meme through which participants can feature and discuss backlist books, I immediately agreed. To be more clear, what we mean by backlist books is any titles that were published 6 months ago or earlier. So, that would mean that you can post about any books that were published 6 months before the date that your Backlist Blast post goes live on your blog!

For example, say you want to post a Backlist Blast post on Thursday, March 5, 2020, you can talk about any books published before September 5, 2019.

We made this meme so that we can spotlight backlisted books such as past favourites or TBR books that we haven’t gotten to yet. A lot of attention is given to new releases, which is obviously great, but we have a number of backlisted books on our TBRs and know that a lot of you do too. So the purpose of Backlist Blast is to get us excited about and reading the backlisted books in our TBR piles.

⤖ Banner Option One ⬻

⤖ Banner Option Two ⬻

⤖ My Past Posts ⬻

Click here to see my past Backlist Blast posts!
Click here to see Milana’s past Backlist Blast posts!