blogwarts, miscellaneous


ezgif-517030219.gifI am very happy to announce that I was accepted at #Blogwarts, and that I was sorted into Slikerin! Yaaaaaas! I cannot tell you how excited I am. Ravenclaw and Slytherin are my favourite Hogwarts houses, so…if I’m sorted into either of those two, I’m happy!

egeFor those of you who do not know what I’m talking about, aVeryAwkwardBlogger is hosting an event titled the Blogger’s House Cup. Those who participate, go through the sorting process (by filling in an application) and are then sorted into Griffindraft, Hufflepost, Ravenclick, or Slikerin. There will be challenges and such, but if you want more details, please go to aVeryAwkwardBlogger’s info post about it all!o3rlbex.png
Needless to say, I’m very excited to get to know my fellow Slikerins, and also for the first challenge! Let’s win that House Cup!!!

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