top ten tuesdays, weekly meme

Top Ten Tuesday #41: Top Ten Books That I’m No Longer Interested In Reading

Happy Tuesday everyone! I don’t know about the rest of the world, but in Canada we had yesterday off for Family Day. It was great to have that extra day, but it’s been raining for like 3 days now, and that makes me sleeepy. Also, Tuesday feels like Monday now, so I almost forgot to post this! But anyway, this week it’s all about those books I’ve recently purged from my TBR list. To read in more detail, as to why I got rid of books 1-9, be sure to check out my Down the TBR Hole posts! Continue reading to see which books I recently said “bye bye” to. (Also, I might consider adding some of them back to the list if any of you are really convinced that I should read them!)

For those of you who don’t know what Top Ten Tuesday is all about, here is a quote from  The Artsy Reader Girl, the genuises behind this weekly meme!

I assign each Tuesday a topic and then post my top ten list that fits that topic. You’re more than welcome to join me and create your own top ten (or 2, 5, 20, etc.) list as well. Feel free to put a unique spin on the topic to make it work for you! Please link back to That Artsy Reader Girl in your own post so that others know where to find more information.

You’ll find the schedule of upcoming TTT topics below so you can plan ahead. I’ll post a Linky here on the blog each week so you can link up your post (if you want). If you don’t have a blog, post your picks in the comment section below! Have tons of fun talking books and getting to know your fellow bloggers!

…and now that all of the necessary stuff is out of the way….

– Top 10 Books That I’m No
Longer Interested In Reading


Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde

– TWO –

Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhicker’s
Guide to the Galaxy


Thomas Harris’ Red Dragon

– FOUR –

Tiffany FitzHenry’s
The Oldest Soul

– FIVE –

V.E. Schwab’s Vicious

– SIX –

Kathi Appelt and Alison
McGhee’s Maybe a Fox

 – SEVEN –

V.E. Schwab’s Warm Up


C.M. Lucas’s Mist & Whispers

– NINE –

Sara Saedi’s Never Ever

– TEN –

Lisa Unger’s Ink and Bone


30 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday #41: Top Ten Books That I’m No Longer Interested In Reading

    1. Yeahhh I read one of his books for school, and really liked the style. That series is like nothing that I’m in the mood for right now haha. I might add it back when I go on a thriller kick 😉

    1. Ahhh I was going to leave it, but I didn’t like This Savage Song too much, and I didn’t LOVE love ADSOM, but will be reading the rest of the series for sure. I might still give Vicious a try 🙂 thank youuu

      1. For sure…and no pressure, it’s just my opinion! Haha. I actually haven’t read This Savage Song yet, so I can’t speak to that, but I will say the each book in the ADSOM trilogy gets better and better…and I think the last one is one of the best I’ve ever read.

          1. Yes! I saw that. And there’s a spinoff trilogy from ADSOM as well that’s going to be in the same world, with some familiar cameos, but mostly new characters. I’m very excited for all the new additions!!

  1. I love The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – it’s absolutely hilarious! I did love Vicious when I read it … I might have to do a reread when the next book comes out.

        1. Ohhhh I got into audiobooks early last year actually! So I will definitely check those out 😀 thank you! I didn’t even think of that for some reason lol

    1. I have added Hitchicker’s back to my TBR because of some of the comments I’ve received, haha. I might add Vicious back as well, since you’re not the only one who has said that it’s a good book. 🙂 Thank you! And thanks for reading!

  2. I have yet to read Vicious, but everyone that has seems to rave about it! However, if you aren’t a fan of villains, then it probably isn’t a read to check out!

    1. Hahaha people keep telling me to add it back to my TBR! So it’s been added back 🙂 and I LOVE villains actually. Hehe. Thanks for reading and commenting!

  3. I own Vicious and hope to read it soon. It sounds like a very “me” book. haha I tried to Hitchhiker’s Guide but didn’t get very far…

    I’ve deleted quite a few books from my Goodreads to-read list and got rid of a lot of books I owned that i doubt i’ll read.


    1. Ohhh I hope that you like Vicious! I hope that I do too, since a few commenters have convinced me to add it back to my list haha.

      And someone recommended the audiobook version of Hitchhiker’s Guide 😀 so I will try that.

      And cleaning up the TBR list is so satisfying!

      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  4. Oh hey! Im a canadian also !! 😀 (sorry, needed to ahahah)

    I haven’t heard of any of thoses .. however some covers do attracts me. On my part, it’s mostly hyped series and fantasy that im kinda meh… I cannot follow adventure quite yet, I just end up very very lost and not liking it xD

    1. Yay! Go Canada! And don’t apologize haha I love finding other Canadian bloggers 😀

      And awe I get what you mean! What’s your favourite genre to read? 🙂

    1. It took me a bit to read one of her books too! I made the mistake of starting with A Savage Song, which I wasn’t crazy about. But then I read A Darker Shade of Magic and liked it. So…depending on what you like, she’s got some different genres. I hope that you get to try out her books soon 🙂

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