ARC review, book review, young adult

An Assassin’s Guide to Love and Treason by Virginia Boecker (ARC Review)

When Lady Katherine’s father is killed for being an illegally practicing Catholic, she discovers treason wasn’t the only secret he’s been hiding: he was also involved in a murder plot against the reigning Queen Elizabeth I. With nothing left to lose, Katherine disguises herself as a boy and travels to London to fulfill her father’s mission, and to take it one step further–kill the queen herself.… Read More An Assassin’s Guide to Love and Treason by Virginia Boecker (ARC Review)

book birthdays

Book Birthdays: December 31, 2018

Since the first few Book Birthday posts in this series were such a hit, I will keep these posts coming! Here are the books on my radar that are celebrating their Book Birthdays today (a.k.a. books that are being published in Canada today)! Please let me know if you have any feedback and/or suggestions for this series!

TBR post

January 2019 TBR

Hello everyone! And welcome to my January 2019 TBR post! Are you ready for 2019? And what are you most excited to read in the new year! For those of you who have kept an eye on my reading progress and my TBR lists for September to December 2018 might know that I fell behind… Read More January 2019 TBR

ARC review, audiobook, book review, young adult

Hocus Pocus & The All-New Sequel by A.W. Jantha (ARC Review)

Hocus Pocus is beloved by Halloween enthusiasts all over the world. Diving once more into the world of witches, this electrifying two-part young adult novel, released on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the 1993 film, marks a new era of Hocus Pocus. Fans will be spellbound by a fresh retelling of the original film, followed by the all-new sequel that continues the story with the next generation of Salem teens.… Read More Hocus Pocus & The All-New Sequel by A.W. Jantha (ARC Review)

waiting on wednesday, weekly meme

Waiting on Wednesday #8: The Field Guide to the North American Teenager by Ben Philippe

Hey everyone! And happy Wednesday! I’m definitely having a lot of fun with Waiting on Wednesday, so you can expect for me to participate in this meme for quite some time! This week’s book was written by a Canadian who moved to the US, and the main character in his book goes through the same… Read More Waiting on Wednesday #8: The Field Guide to the North American Teenager by Ben Philippe