book birthdays

Book Birthdays: October 8, 2019

Here are the books (on my radar) that are celebrating their Book Birthdays this week (a.k.a. books that are that were published in Canada this week)! Happiest of Book Birthdays to all of these lovely new releases! (P.s. you can find my past Book Birthdays posts here!) Which book birthdays are you most excited for?

book review, comic/graphic novel, young adult

Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell and Faith Erin Hicks (Review)

Deja and Josiah are seasonal best friends. Every autumn, all through high school, they’ve worked together at the best pumpkin patch in the whole wide world. (Not many people know that the best pumpkin patch in the whole wide world is in Omaha, Nebraska, but it definitely is.) They say good-bye every Halloween, and they’re reunited every September 1. But this Halloween is different—Josiah and Deja are finally seniors, and this is their last season at the pumpkin patch. Their last shift together. Their last good-bye.… Read More Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell and Faith Erin Hicks (Review)

ARC review, book review, young adult

Hello Girls by Brittany Cavallaro & Emily Henry (ARC Review)

Best friends are forged by fire. For Winona Olsen and Lucille Pryce, that fire happened the night they met outside the police station—both deciding whether to turn their families in. Winona has been starving for life in the seemingly perfect home that she shares with her seemingly perfect father, celebrity weatherman Stormy Olsen. No one knows that he locks the pantry door to control her eating and leaves bruises where no one can see them… Read More Hello Girls by Brittany Cavallaro & Emily Henry (ARC Review)

book birthdays

Book Birthdays: August 27, 2019

Here are the books (on my radar) that are celebrating their Book Birthdays today (a.k.a. books that are that were published in Canada today)! Happiest of Book Birthdays to all of these lovely new releases! Which ones are you most excited for?!

ARC review, book review, young adult

With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo (ARC Review)

Ever since she got pregnant freshman year, Emoni Santiago’s life has been about making the tough decisions—doing what has to be done for her daughter and her abuela. The one place she can let all that go is in the kitchen, where she adds a little something magical to everything she cooks, turning her food into straight-up goodness.… Read More With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo (ARC Review)

book birthdays

Book Birthdays: August 6, 2019

Here are the books (on my radar) that are celebrating their Book Birthdays this week (a.k.a. books that are that were published in Canada this week)! Happiest of Book Birthdays to all of these lovely new releases! Which ones are you most excited for?!