ARC review, book review, nonfiction

Monster She Wrote by Lisa Kröger & Melanie R. Anderson (ARC Review)

Weird fiction wouldn’t exist without the women who created it. Meet the female authors who defied convention to craft some of literature’s strangest tales. And find out why their own stories are equally intriguing. Everyone knows about Mary Shelley, creator of Frankenstein; but have you heard of Margaret Cavendish, who wrote a science-fiction epic 150 years earlier? Have you read the psychological hauntings of Violet Paget, who was openly involved in long-term romantic relationships with women in the Victorian era?… Read More Monster She Wrote by Lisa Kröger & Melanie R. Anderson (ARC Review)

book review, young adult

Capturing the Devil by Kerri Maniscalco (Review)

Audrey Rose Wadsworth and Thomas Cresswell have landed in America, a bold, brash land unlike the genteel streets of London they knew. But like London, the city of Chicago hides its dark secrets well. When the two attend the spectacular World’s Fair, they find the once-in-a-lifetime event tainted with reports of missing people and unsolved murders. Determined to help, Audrey Rose and Thomas begin their investigations, only to find themselves facing a serial killer unlike any they’ve heard of before. Identifying him is one thing, but capturing him—and getting dangerously lost in the infamous Murder Hotel he constructed as a terrifying torture device—is another… Read More Capturing the Devil by Kerri Maniscalco (Review)

waiting on wednesday, weekly meme

Waiting on Wednesday #18: Monster, She Wrote by Lisa Kröger & Melanie R. Anderson

Hey everyone! And happy Wednesday! This week, for Waiting on Wednesday, I’m featuring a nonfiction book that I’m very excited about! Those of you following me for longer will know how much I love horror. And since I love Mary Shelley, Daphne du Maurier, and (more recently because of the Netflix original TV adaptation of The… Read More Waiting on Wednesday #18: Monster, She Wrote by Lisa Kröger & Melanie R. Anderson

TBR post

April 2019 TBR

Hello everyone! And welcome to my April 2019 TBR post! What are you most excited to read in April? Before I get into the books I’ll be reading, though, let’s talk a bit about March. While I did pretty okay in February, things kind of slowed down for me in March (as you can tell… Read More April 2019 TBR

TBR post

March 2019 TBR

Hello everyone! And welcome to my March 2019 TBR post! What are you most excited to read in March? Before I get into the books I’ll be reading, though, let’s talk a bit about February. I think that I did okay! I only carried one book over from the February TBR list over to the… Read More March 2019 TBR

TBR post

February 2019 TBR

Hello everyone! And welcome to my February 2019 TBR post! What are you most excited to read in February?! Those of you who have been keeping up with my TBR updates will know that I hit a really bad reading slump late last year where I read very little leading up to it, and then… Read More February 2019 TBR

Adult, ARC review, book review

In the House in the Dark of the Woods by Laird Hunt (ARC Review)

In this horror story set in colonial New England, a law-abiding Puritan woman goes missing. Or perhaps she has fled or abandoned her family. Or perhaps she’s been kidnapped, and set loose to wander in the dense woods of the north. Alone and possibly lost, she meets another woman in the forest. Then everything changes.… Read More In the House in the Dark of the Woods by Laird Hunt (ARC Review)

monthly wrap-up

Monthly Wrap-Up (December 2018)

It’s almost 2019! When did that happen?! And where did 2018 go? I feel like it went by so fast! Anyway, here is what’s happened on Flavia the Bibliophile during the last month of 2018! What were your favourite reads of December, and 2018 in general?