book birthdays

Book Birthdays: May 28, 2019

Here are the books (on my radar) that are celebrating their Book Birthdays today (a.k.a. books that are being published in Canada today)! Happiest of Book Birthdays to all of these lovely new releases! Which ones are you most excited for?!

Adult, ARC review, book review

The Bride Test by Helen Hoang (ARC Review)

Khai Diep has no feelings. Well, he feels irritation when people move his things or contentment when ledgers balance down to the penny, but not big, important emotions—like grief. And love. He thinks he’s defective. His family knows better—that his autism means he just processes emotions differently. When he steadfastly avoids relationships, his mother takes matters into her own hands and returns to Vietnam to find him the perfect bride… Read More The Bride Test by Helen Hoang (ARC Review)

TBR post

May 2019 TBR

Hello everyone! And welcome to my May 2019 TBR post! (Please let’s ignore the fact that I am posting this halfway through May because I seriously dropped the ball hahaha. I updated the TBR listed in this post to represent what my TBR is for the rest of the month, haha.) What are you most… Read More May 2019 TBR

book birthdays

Book Birthdays: May 14, 2019

Here are the books (on my radar) that are celebrating their Book Birthdays this week (a.k.a. books that are being published in Canada this week)! Happiest of Book Birthdays to all of these lovely new releases! Which ones are you most excited for?!

monthly wrap-up

Monthly Wrap-Up (April 2019)

Welcome to my wrap-up post for April 2019! The past month went by quicker than I had expected it to! I’m loving work, and while I fell behind on my reading, I’m still ahead of my Goodreads reading challenge…somehow… But anyway, what were your favourite reads of April 2019? Let me know in the comments!

book birthdays

Book Birthdays: May 7, 2019

Here are the books (on my radar) that are celebrating their Book Birthdays today (a.k.a. books that are being published in Canada today)! Happiest of Book Birthdays to all of these lovely new releases!