Adult, book review

Not Another Love Song by Julie Soto (Review)

Title: Not Another Love Song
Author: Julie Soto
Type: Fiction
Genre: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Publisher: Forever
Date published: July 16, 2024

A complimentary physical copy of this book was kindly provided by Hachette Book Group Canada in exchange for an honest review.

Gwen Jackson and Xander Thorne are both musical prodigies, but each has had very different paths to success. Xander was born into classical music royalty, while Gwen had a natural ear for music that was nurtured by a kind shop owner.

After Gwen performs at his friend’s wedding, she’s mortified when she realizes Xander has no clue who she is—despite having worked together for a year at the Pops Orchestra. But she’s more furious that he arrogantly critiques her performance.

When Gwen is offered the role of First Chair of the orchestra, something Xander had secretly coveted for years, their existing hostility goes up a notch. But their respect for each other’s music is undeniable, and their onstage chemistry off the scale. As they begin to explore their feelings for one another, suddenly they’re box office dynamite and the fragile romance that’s growing between them is in danger of being crushed beneath a publicity stunt…

⤖ My Review ⬻

I read Not Another Love Song by Julie Soto almost two months ago, and I still have to fan myself thinking about it! Before I dive into this review, though, I want to give some background.

Last year, I read Julie Soto’s Forget Me Not and absolutely loved it—I stayed up way too late reading it. So when I heard about Not Another Love Song (and saw that cover), I knew I absolutely had to read and review it for you.

Starting the book, I remember really liking the female lead, Gwen. She was relatable and driven…which immediately drew me to her. I also really loved the premise of the plot, and was on the edge of my seat anticipating her interactions with Xander. I loved them together right off the bat, and the chemistry between them just grew with every page. I was obsessed.

The characters were great. The pacing of the book was perfect, never dragging or rushing, allowing the romance to build naturally. The plot kept me hooked. And let’s not forget the spice!! Julie Soto is now officially one of my favorite romance authors, and I can’t wait to see (and devour) what she’ll write next! Her ability to craft compelling stories with dynamic characters and sizzling chemistry is truly a gift.

⤖ Places to Purchase the Book ⬻

⤖ Let's Chat ⬻

Thank you for reading my review! Have you read this book? What did you think? And if you haven’t read it yet, do you plan to? Let me know in the comments!

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