Title: Burn Our Bodies Down
Author: Rory Power
Type: Fiction
Genre: YA, Horror, Mystery, Thriller, LGBTQ+
Publisher: Delacorte Press (Penguin Random House)
Date published: July 7, 2020
A physical copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Ever since Margot was born, it’s been just her and her mother. No answers to Margot’s questions about what came before. No history to hold on to. No relative to speak of. Just the two of them, stuck in their run-down apartment, struggling to get along. But that’s not enough for Margot. She wants family. She wants a past. And she just found the key she needs to get it: A photograph, pointing her to a town called Phalene. Pointing her home. Only, when Margot gets there, it’s not what she bargained for. Margot’s mother left for a reason. But was it to hide her past? Or was it to protect Margot from what’s still there? The only thing Margot knows for sure is there’s poison in their family tree, and their roots are dug so deeply into Phalene that now that she’s there, she might never escape.
⤖ My Review ⬻
Every year, like many others, I tend to gravitate toward books that are more on the creepy side during spooky season (i.e. halfway through September until the end of October for me haha). I don’t know why, therefore, it came as a surprise to me that although Burn Our Bodies Down by Rory Power was a summer release, I didn’t really get into it until the temperature outside started to drop and the dead leaves started to fall. Once I got a few chapters into Burn Our Bodies Down, I found it to be un-put-downable! For me, it’s generally a rule that I set aside spooky reads to pick up less-spooky reads once the sun sets. But (as those of you who saw this in my Instagram stories noted), I was unable to do so with Burn Our Bodies Down!
I was actually even home alone! But I just couldn’t put this book down because I had to know what was going to happen next ASAP. Waiting until the morning was not an option. Burn Our Bodies Down was creepy and weird. There were also some parts that I would have liked more explanations on…but I think that leaving it unexplained definitely added to my anxiety, therefore making me want to read faster to find out how things end. I definitely had fun reading Burn Our Bodies Down, as I did with Power’s debut, Wilder Girls. I definitely recommend and look forward to what Power will write next (she has 4 books on the go according to Goodreads and I may or may not have added them all to my TBR)!
⤖ About the Author ⬻
Rory Power grew up in New England, where she lives and works as a crime fiction editor and story consultant for TV adaptation. She received a Masters in Prose Fiction from the University of East Anglia, and thinks fondly of her time there, partially because she learned a lot but mostly because there were a ton of bunnies on campus. She is represented by Daisy Parente at Lutyens & Rubinstein and Kim Witherspoon at InkWell Management.
I got an ARC of this one too and I’m so glad I did! Very creepy & satisfying.
Nice! And yay I’m glad you enjoyed it too!
I feel like based on the blurb I dont even know what this book is about but I’m glad to hear it has spooky vibes. I loved Wilder Girls though, so I want to try this.
It’s hard to say what it’s about without giving everything away haha so now in retrospect I understand why the synopsis is so vague haha. But yeah if you enjoyed the weird and horror vibes in Wilder Girls, I think you’ll like this too
Lol okay well I guess I should just give it a shot then! That’s literally the reason I’ve been procrastinating reading it, because i feel like i have no idea what its actually about
I liked this one too, glad to see you enjoyed it! Great review
Awesome And thanks so much!