⤖ My Review ⬻
The visuals for Asian Vegetables is what caught my eye first and what I liked the most about this cookbook overall. The use of dark tones on the cover as a background really makes the colors of the vegetables pop, drawing the eye and making them the main focus. I was happy to see this style continue into the book. The photography was crisp and used contrast in a really tasteful way. I really liked the illustrations. I also liked the balance between visuals, recipes, and background on Asian vegetables, history, and cooking.

I also really liked the way the book was organized with some background information in the beginning, and then vegetables sorted by seasons of the year. This organization made it easy to navigate and find recipes based on what’s in season or what ingredients are readily available. I knew about some of the vegetables in this book having cooked Asian food for many years now, but there were a lot that were new to me that I’m keen to look for and cook with now that I know about them. Overall, Asian Vegetables by the Wang sisters is not only visually stunning but also a valuable resource.

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