weekly meme

Anything Goes (#3)

I know that I said I would only post these on weekends, but I decided to drop my Thursdays meme because it’s just not feasable for me to keep running it because A) I was the only one participating *sad face*, B) because I would run out of books with enough pages (394) rather quickly,… Read More Anything Goes (#3)

weekly meme

Anything Goes (#2)

Found some time for another Anything Goes post! Yay! I’ve been asked to judge for a short fiction contest, and read almost 30 short (or-not-so-short) stories today alone. So, I think I deserve a break. Today I’ll be talking about Star Racers by Martin Felando! Martin contacted me and asked me if I wanted to read… Read More Anything Goes (#2)

weekly meme

Anything Goes (#1)

Note: So this post was going to go up on Saturday, because I was away for Canada Day weekend, but WordPress’ timed publishing setting has let me down. Sigh. So, because of it being summer, and my Fridays and Saturdays being, therefore, unpredictable, I have decided that for those two days, I will not be… Read More Anything Goes (#1)