weekly meme

Musing Mondays (#6)

ezgif-1545491241And again, I’ve somehow managed to spend an entire month not making one of these posts! My excuse is that I was on a long vacation in Romania though, haha. I had brought a big pile of books with me (which is kind of insane when you think about how I only had a 23 kg limit). And so most of my posts were book reviews, as I tried to plow through all of them and make it for each deadline.

Luckily, this month, as well as the rest of the year, are much more relaxed regarding the amount of review books I need to get to. My goal for November and December is to tackle my TBR piles, as well as work on making more blog hop and meme posts! One such meme post is Musing Mondays!

ezgif-3973116087.gifFor those of you who don’t know, Musing Mondays is hosted by the awesome MizB every Monday. This is a blog hop where participants have to answer one of the pre-set prompts of (I’m currently reading…; Up next I think I’ll read…; I bought the following book(s) in the past week…; I’m super excited to tell you about (book/author/bookish-news)…; I’m really upset by (book/author/bookish-news)…; I can’t wait to get a copy of…; I wish I could read ___, but…; OR I blogged about ____ this past week…). And you also have to answer an additional random question which is different every week!

This week have 2 things that I am very excited to tall you all about! So I will do that first, and then answer the random question!


1. New physical finished, and ARC copies!

I had mentioned that I would not be requesting any books for the rest of the year, but apparently I lied. When I saw a Tweet about Alexandra Grigorescu’s book Cauchemar, I couldn’t help but tweet about it! It sounds pretty good. The Marketing Director at ECW Press then kindley emailed me asking if I wanted a copy of Cauchemar to read and review. I was so excited that I also requested The Conjoined by Jen Sookfong Lee, and The Dhow House by Jean McNeil!

And I received Cauchemar and The Conjoined on Friday while I was away for the weekend in Muskoka! And look at these pretties

(Note: for more detailed, larger versions of the photos, please visit my Instagram! @flaviathebibliophile)

Today I also received a surprise from HarperCollins Canada! I was expecting this book to arrive sometime in January, so you can imagine my joy and surprise at receiving it now, in early November! Spindle Fire by Lexa Hillyer, coming out on April 11th 2017! The package also included a teaser pamphlet containing a chapter from Veronica Roth’s upcoming novel Carve the Mark, which sounds like it’ll be pretty good.

(Note: for more detailed, larger versions of the photos, please visit my Instagram! @flaviathebibliophile)

2. A monthly event co-hosted by my friend Melanie and myself, starting January 2017!

I can’t say much about it yet, except that we will be posting montly, and that each month will have a theme. Also that the event will be titled Calendar Girls, and that it will have all the vintage!


Keep an eye out for more teasers! We will be dropping more and more hints the closer we get to January 2017. Including the theme for January, because we want all of your to participate in the event!

P.S. those of you interested in joining us, please let us know in the comments below or send us a tweet at @flavbibliophile and/or @NoellBernard!

And now for this week’s question:

Do you prefer fast-paced novels, or slow, descriptive novels?

16617ffa3daca612427f1b17f258d4e05f61bf4c_hqI’m not sure how satisfying my answer will be, because my preference depends on my mood, as well as the genre which I’m reading. For example, I prefer fast-paced novels when reading thrillers, mysteries, plot-less romances (haha), and horror.

When I’m reading fantasy, sci-fi, historical fiction, classics, and literary fiction, I prefer for them to be slow and descriptive. When reading those types of books, I like for there to be as much detail as possible.

THANK YOU FOR READING MY POST! Which recent purchases or new ARCs are you most excited about? And do you prefer fast-paced or slow novels yourself? Let me know in the comments below!


8 thoughts on “Musing Mondays (#6)

  1. *wins the TBR battle by a…. bookslide* :p *needs sleep*

    And I prefer fast-paced novels with a hint of description. If it’s all description, I grow awfully bored. :/ I need something to keep me interested, but not like overly fast. I don’t really do thrillers or mystery, but I’m more interested in the ride than the finish line. That make sense?

    And yay! Join us! Join us! Woo!

  2. Wow, Spindle Fire AND a Calendar Girls segment?? Sounds exciting!
    I’m adding you to my new (and pathetic) Instagram account. Pls don’t judge: I’m just starting it from an old account and I had deleted the app, so I’m going to have to spruce it up. There’s like some totally unrelated photos up there that I have to remove, lol!

    1. I was very very excited about that ARC and I cannot wait to read it! Also, the segment should be fun and you should definitely join us!

      I’ve added you back! And don’t worry…if you scroll down in my account, you’ll see how very very sad my start was 😛

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