weekly meme

Musing Mondays (#2)

ezgif-1545491241And it’s Monday again, which means it’s time for Musing Mondays!

Hosted by the awesome MizB every Monday, and where you have to answer one of the pre-set questions of (I’m currently reading…; Up next I think I’ll read…; I bought the following book(s) in the past week…; I’m super excited to tell you about (book/author/bookish-news)…; I’m really upset by (book/author/bookish-news)…; I can’t wait to get a copy of…; I wish I could read ___, but…; OR I blogged about ____ this past week…).

You also have to answer a random question which is asked each week!

And this week’s is:

What is/are your favorite book cover(s)?

This week, before musing, I’ve decided to answer the random question first! And it’s a hard one. My favourite cover/s, eh?

I’m not sure if I can simply narrow it down to one, so I’ll just post my top…12…

Yes, I know there are WAY too many haha, but I couldn’t decide on a just 3, or just 5, or even just 10!

  1. Ghostly Echoes: I love the balance of everything in this cover, and the colour purple is also one of my favourites. I also really enjoy the painted-look of the cover, as well as the layers peeking out through one another.
  2. Wizard’s First Rule: This is one of my favourite covers not so much because of its aesthetic, but more because this book and its characters are very dear to me. My father read to me from this book when I was thirteen, and although I’d been reading way before then, this sparked my love for high fantasy. I read that 1000-pager a number of times, and I read every single book in the series which came after it.
  3. Air Awakens: While I know nothing about this book, I keep hearing very good things! I really like the art on this cover (as well as the others in the series), and it just makes me want to read this book series all the more!
  4. A Darker Shade of Magic: This minimalist cover is perfection! I like clear-cut lines, and also the use of only three colours on the entire cover. Even if I had not read the first chapter of this book online, I would want to purchase it for the cover alone
  5. Blue Lily, Lily Blue: I don’t even know where to start with this one! Maybe I’ll keep it simple and just say that it’s gorgeous.
  6. And I Darken:  The cover of this book was the first thing which drew me to it on NetGalley. And now that I’ve read it (review here), this cover is all the more dear to me. I have become attached to the characters, and the book’s setting is also very dear to me, as it all takes place in and around my birthplace (rambles about this here).
  7. The Raven King: I have heard many amazing things about this book, and the cover only seems to reflect that. It is absolutely beautiful.
  8. The Forbidden Wish: As the story Aladdin (among other “Arabian” stories) play a major part of my childhood, when I read this book’s summary, it immediately made it onto my TBR shelf. The cover only convinced me all the more.
  9. Wink Poppy Midnight: I love the colours, as well as the many little details on this book cover. The intricate web of illustrations has made me stare at this cover for minutes on end, searching for every little detail, and wondering at its meaning.
  10. The Star-Touched Queen: The colours and style of this cover are just lovely. This book has a sort of folklore-ish feel about it, and the cover reflects that really well.
  11. Rebel of the Sands: The digital version of this cover does not do it justice. In real life, the teals, blues, and gold contrast perfectly. This cover is amazingly gorgeous.
  12. A Court of Thorns and Roses: The last cover on my list (for now), and also the book I have started reading today ( and will be discussing in a bit more detail below!). The cover of A Court of Thorns and Roses is well-balanced, and I really like the use of red, black and white in particular. The thorns and vines winding in and around the book’s title are also pretty cool.

51pOtaWS33L._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_Now for the musing portion of this post! Today I shall be musing about what I am currently reading! A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas!

I have been so excited to read this book, ever since I heard about it in early April. Yes, I know that it came out in May of last year, but I was very out of the loop with the literary world until April of this year. (I didn’t really read during the year after I got my Bachelor’s Degree, and then I started on my Master’s, haha).

I really like the cover (as discussed above), and the plot also really intrigues me. Having always loved Fae, especially those living in manors and castles within an alternate reality, or another world (like in Holly Black’s Modern Tale of Faerie series, as well as Laurell K. Hamilton’s Merry Gentry series), A Court of Thorns and Roses sounds like the perfect book for me.

The fanart I’ve been seeing posted all over social media, has only made me more eager to read this book series, and I am very excited to finally have reached this book in my picture-1.gifTBR pile!

I have a feeling that I will love this series so much, that I’ll go nuts and buy the 2nd book the moments I finish the first one. I tend to get that way…Even though I have banned myself from buying any books this month! And July too, if I can help it. We shall see how that goes! Hah!

Have you read A Court of Thorns and Roses, and if so, what did you think? Or is A Court of Thorns and Roses in your TBR pile? Let me know in the comments below!

Buy on Amazon.ca: A Court of Thorns and Roses
Buy on Amazon.com: A Court of Thorns and Roses


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